
Mission of the Year Application

Each year the Northern Skies District Board of Missions and Church Extension chooses a Mission of the Year (MOY) at its annual meeting in November. This is a long-standing tradition going back to at least 1969. Over the years a wide variety of organizations have received funds as a Mission of the Year. Many have been churches who used the funds for building maintenance. A few have been other organizations such as prison ministry, campus ministry, and community outreach. 


If your church would like to apply as 2025 Mission of the Year, you must fill out an application. Contact the District Office for an application, 906-228-4644, or download one here Mission of the Year 2025 Application. Applications are due by September 1 and should be mailed to Jean Getzen, S613 E Ridge Ct., Stephenson, MI  49887-4248.


Emerging Ministry Grant Application

The Emerging Ministries Grant provides seed money for new ministries which will be on going (as opposed to one-time) projects. An Emerging Ministries Project can receive support for up to three years. Possible uses might include program and or material resources, staff funding, administrative expenses. Maximum grant available per project shall be $1500. This grant is funded through the Northern Skies District Conference. Download a grant application.

Creative Ministry Grant Application

The Creative Ministry Grant provides incentive to encourage new creative ministries of outreach and program development which might otherwise not be possible because of local budgetary consideration. This grant is funded by the Northern Skies District Conference. Download a grant application.

Capital Improvement/Project Grant Application

Capital Improvement/Project Grant is available to assist churches in completing capital projects or improvements that are beyond the reach of the local church. The amount of the grant will be determined by the District Leadership Team. This grant is funded by the Northern Skies District Conference. Download a grant application.

Loan from District Leadership Team Application

Loans from District Leadership Team: One of the functions of the  Northern Skies District Leadership Team is “to operate as a lending agency for the financing of church property” (By-laws: article III, section 3). Presently the board has a maximum loan request cap of $20,000. The board wants to be in ministry to all United Methodist churches in the Northern Skies District and to help meet needs and emergencies. Download a loan application.

Northern Skies District