2024 Church Conferences

Church Conferences have been scheduled, and forms are available here. The schedule is available here. The 2024 Agenda and form due dates have been emailed to churches. Contact the District Office with any questions.

Is SAS Right For You?

The Michigan Conference is sponsoring two online events on the Simplified Accountability Structure (SAS) — one for inquirers and one for those already using SAS and needing a refresher — to help church leaders explore this model’s benefits. Read the full article here >>> Wednesday, October 2nd 10:00 – 11:30AM EDT Discover the advantages of… Continue Reading Is SAS Right For You?

2024 Coming Attractions

The Michigan Conference Connectional Ministries Team – comprising Laura Witkowski, Kathy Pittenger, Lisa Batten and Naomi García – has been developing conference-wide events and ongoing offerings that you can sign up for today! These exciting initiatives are designed to nurture spiritual growth and foster a strong sense of belonging within Michigan United Methodist faith communities… Continue Reading 2024 Coming Attractions

Grants & Loans are Available!

Emerging Ministries Grant provides seed money for new ministries which will be on going (as opposed to one-time) projects. An Emerging Ministries Project can receive support for up to three years. Possible uses might include program and or material resources, staff funding, administrative expenses. Maximum grant available per project shall be $1500. This grant is funded… Continue Reading Grants & Loans are Available!

Northern Skies District